I believe the ability to share the knowledge, ideas and experiences that you have cultivated, is closely linked with the ability to inspire & lead others with your creative vision. The best architects that I have met are usually also very good teachers. In the case of tutoring or mentoring, these roles are slightly reversed: the idea is to support the student in developing their own visions & ideas about design, rather than pushing your own. To enable me to do this, my approach must be to listen closely to the student, to be able to offer specific advice & guidance.

As designers, we are usually crafting our design work with all of our best intentions and trying to make everything work together harmoniously. During this design process it is normal to reach a point when we get stuck and overwhelmed with seemingly conflicting design agendas & ideas, that sometimes are just not quite working well together! At this stage it can be most productive to review your designs with someone experienced, who is new & fresh to your project. Reflecting on the designs with someone else will often help you in clarifying your ideas, and reaffirm what is actually important to you in your project. Doing so will allow you to move your project forward with stronger direction and renewed confidence.

During a design review we will discuss your design project together. We can identify your goals, any sticking points and explore alternate approaches to help push past any design blocks. I will offer you my guidance, knowledge and support to enable you to move your project forward. This could be a one-off review, or a series of ongoing weekly / bi-monthly check-ins, depending upon your needs.

As I am running a small design studio, currently I am limiting myself to a maximum of three students per week in order to give them my full attention. You could be a student of architecture / interior design, or equally someone looking for some impartial advice or support with your design or construction project.

You can find me here to book a tutorial.

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