Apartment Video Appraisal

We offer an apartment video appraisal service. The purpose of the service is to start a first discussion about opportunities, constraints and problems related to the existing apartment and potential renovation.

Our service includes:

  • Apartment visit and visual inspection (usually around 1-2 hours).
  • Photographic record of the apartment, highlighting important features for discussion.
  • Video discussion describing our general observations & first thoughts.

Typically our video discussion covers issues regarding the existing design:

  • Rooms layout
  • Valuable historic / period features
  • Services (water, electricity & gas)
  • Heating system
  • Windows and doors.
  • In some cases the discussion may also raise some potential new design opportunities.

Here is a sample video discussion:

The video you receive will vary in length and the discussion topics depending upon the apartment.

Our service could be useful for those who are:

  • Considering renovation for an apartment.
  • Considering a property purchase.
  • Not available to visit an apartment themselves.

It should be noted that our Apartment Video Appraisal is a general introductory overview, that is non-exhaustive, non-conclusive and limited to only what can be observed visually in the apartment photographs. Further specialist advice will need to be sought regarding any issues raised during our discussion. Therefore information provided by this service should not be used exclusively to inform any further decisions.